Minimum qualifications
Since the success of the Freedom Health Ministries is dependent on the faithful involvement of the church, the following is a summary of the minimum qualifications of the church to run the Freedom Health Ministries program.
Members, signed up and committed to training class involvement
Must be in attendance to the majority of the training classes, seminars, as well as many guest visits as possible
Must be signed up for and must meet the requirements of the training class
Evangelism training class requirements
The Gospel and Medical Missionary training classes require a commitment to the following during the duration of the 4-month program:
- All church members who sign up for the training class must be members in good standing and in regular attendance.
- Involvement in most of the Sabbath afternoon training classes (3 hrs on Sabbath afternoons 2 - 5pm)
- Attendance of 1 evening seminar per week (1.75 hrs on a weeknight from 6 - 7:45pm)
- Involvement in 1 guest visit per week (2 hrs)
*Guest visits may include: in-home Bible studies, lifestyle coaching, in-home health treatments, or assistance at the health clinic. Guest visits will almost always be supervised by a Freedom Health Ministries team member or church leader. Church member assistance in visits will be based on church members schedule and availability.

Don't worry we're not going to dominate your church service
The Freedom Health Ministries program does not disturb or require any changes to the church’s normal church service plans. The Freedom Health Ministries staff will be happy to be involved in the church service activities such as Sabbath school and divine service upon the church’s request. Occasionally, a sermon slot may be requested in order to prepare the church for upcoming events in the ministry program.