Evangelism Packages
Standard Evangelism Series Package
$30,000 total cost for the church
- 6 Week Program
- 22 Night Revelation Revealed Bible Prophecy Series
- Prophecy Flyers mailed to 20k homes
- Hall Rental for 11 nights of the prophecy series
- Guest Giveaways of study materials and door prizes
Premiere Evangelism Series and Health Package
$40,000 total cost for the church
- 4 Month Program
- 22 Night Revelation Revealed Bible Prophecy Series
- Prophecy Flyers mailed to 20k homes
- Hall Rental for 11 nights of the prophecy series
- Guest Giveaways of study materials and door prizes
- 22 Night Health and Cooking classes by a Nutritionist
- Health Flyers mailed to 20k homes
- Health Clinics for the community with health professionals
- In-Home Treatments and Cooking Demos for the community
- Food and Supplies for health classes, clinics, and in-home treatments
- Church Member Training and Apprenticeship Program in gospel and health outreach
- New Member Retention Program
How Can My Church Afford This?
Almost any church can afford either of our evangelistic programs in less than a year by following this simple sacrificial giving formula:
30 church members who earn an average of $30,000 a year giving only 5% offering for that year
30 x $30,000 x 5% = $45,000
Church Commitment
What time and involvement commitments are required for a church to run this program?