For 18 weeks (four months) our team of workers in conjunction with your church leadership will facilitate the following 3-part program which powerfully reaches out to your community and effectively equips your church members.

As part of the health outreach two separate health classes will be offered to the community which will take place on two different evenings of the week for eleven weeks strait. The subjects of the classes will be determined by the results of the door to door surveys. Those who attend these seminars can sign up for in home treatments, and one on one healthy living coaching. This provides us the opportunity to “come close to the people” and visit with them in their homes and ministering to their needs.
Assuming the necessary help and resources are available we will also offer free clinics that will be administered by volunteer Seventh-day Adventist health professionals giving free health services to the community which will be overseen by our medical missionary.
Health services performed include:
- Two community health seminars (two nights a week)
- One on one healthy living coaching
- In home health treatments
- Free health clinics

The first is training and reviving the church. We train the church by integrating them into every aspect of the evangelism process. We use a hands-on, apprenticeship type of approach in which the members receive hands-on experience in attending and giving Bible studies, giving healthy living coaching and applying simple natural remedies to people in your community. An atmosphere apt for revival is created when individual church members take to heart our teams’ inspirational messages and become involved in the practical work for souls. In working to combine our talents together as a church we fulfill Ellen White’s vision of “company evangelism.”
Each church member will be trained in the following:
- Healthy living coaching
- Health treatments
- Bible studies
- Door to door surveys
- New member discipleship

We preach a 22-part prophecy seminar covering the three angels message. This series is given two nights per week and spread out over the course of 11 weeks instead of the typical schedule of five nights per week for four to five weeks. The reasons for this is that it enables us as a church to spend more time connecting with the people which will give them what they will feel is a safer environment of a loving church family and also gives the attendees more time to adjust to the drastic changes that receiving the message will make in their lives.
This will enable guests more time to overcome addictions, and other challenges while also preventing them from feeling overwhelmed, and getting cold feet.
Prophecy Seminar Details:
- 22 part series
- Spans for 11 weeks at 2 nights per week
- Covers entire Three Angels Messages
- Flyer advertising for 20-30k homes
- First half of meetings in rented hall
Program Timeframe

These different program features run simultaneously in the order illustrated by the above timeline.
Key Program Features
Blending the Gospel and Medical Missionary work
We are told “The gospel of health is to be firmly linked with the ministry of the Word." - Medical Ministry, 259
“Company Evangelism”
"I urge that companies be organized and diligently trained to labor in our important cities.” - The Paulson Collection, 69
A Focus On The Cities
"The work in the cities is the essential work for this time. When the cities are worked as God would have them, the result will be the setting in operation of a mighty movement such as we have not yet witnessed.” - Medical Ministry, 304
Church Revival
"A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs." - RH March 22, 1887, par. 1
Hands-on Apprenticeship-style Training
"And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him," - Luke 8:1
Retention and Preservation of New Members
“Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all nations...”
Matthew 28:19 (RV)